الگو به طور دائم حفاظت‌شده است

الگو:جعبه اطلاعات بیمارستان: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

از ایران پدیا
پرش به ناوبری پرش به جستجو
جز (۱ نسخه واردشده)
جز الگو:جعبه اطلاعات بیمارستان» را محافظت کرد ([ویرایش=تنها مدیران] (بی‌پایان) [انتقال=تنها مدیران] (بی‌پایان)))
(بدون تفاوت)

نسخهٔ کنونی تا ‏۲۷ دسامبر ۲۰۱۷، ساعت ۰۹:۱۷

توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]

The الگو:جعبه اطلاعات بیمارستان formats a right-side infobox to display many data items about a hospital, with the typical labels listed down the left side, and the corresponding data values on the right side of the box.

The template uses several specialized arcane CSS format classes, which makes it very difficult to determine the styles applied to each data item in the infobox.


Copy-paste the entire unpopulated template below. It will display the infobox on the right. All relevant fields and invisible comments should be left intact for future editors, even if currently unused. All information in the infobox should originate in the article and be cited there.

موقعیت{{{location}}}، {{{region}}}، {{{state}}}، {{{country}}}
وابسته به دانشگاه{{{affiliation}}}
شبکه بیمارستانی{{{network}}}
بخش اورژانس{{{emergency}}}
تعداد تخت‌ها{{{beds}}}
{{Infobox hospital
<!-- All parameters and comments should be left intact for future editors -->
<!-- All parameters are optional, but please copy the entire template -->
<!-- Full documentation: http://en.Iranpedia.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_hospital -->
| name        = {{subst:PAGENAMEBASE}}
| org/group   = <!-- org or group that owns/manages the hospital -->
| logo        = <!-- please conform to copyright -->
| logo_size   = <!-- logo size or width in pixels -->
| image       = <!-- preferably photo of the main building or entrance -->
| image_size  = 225 <!-- image size or width in pixels (225 matches default map_size) -->
| alt         = <!-- alternative text for image, see [[ایران‌پدیا:متن جایگزین برای تصاویر]] -->
| caption     = <!-- text displayed below image -->
| map_type    = <!-- uses the [[الگو:Location map]] format; defines value for {{{1}}} parameter; must have latitude and longitude if using this -->
| relief      = <!-- any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available -->
| map_size    = <!-- map size or width in pixels (do not include "px"); default is 225 -->
| map_alt     = <!-- alternative text for map image, see IP:ALT for details -->
| map_caption = <!-- a small caption under the map such as "Shown in region, country" -->
| latitude    = <!-- to display coordinates (or: latd / latm / lats / latNS); required if using map_type -->
| longitude   = <!-- to display coordinates (or: longd / longm / longs / longEW); required if using map_type -->
| location    = <!-- optional - displayed before region, state, country -->
| region      = <!-- e.g. City or County -->
| state       = <!-- optional - UK: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland; US: the US state name; CA: province name -->
| country     = <!-- country name or two-letter code - use UK for United Kingdom or US for United States -->
| coordinates = <!-- alternative to latitude/longitude; use {{Coord}} template with 'display=inline, title' -->
| healthcare  = <!-- UK: NHS; AU/CA: Medicare; ELSE free-form text, e.g. Private -->
| funding     = <!-- use: Non-profit, For-profit, Government, Public - will generate links -->
| type        = <!-- use: Community, District, General, District General, Teaching, Specialist -->
| affiliation = <!-- medical school / university affiliations (medical or paramedical) -->
| patron      = <!-- the individual who acts as the hospital patron -->
| network     = <!-- hospital network, non-owner -->
| standards   = <!-- optional if no national standards -->
| emergency   = <!-- UK/IR/HK/SG: Yes/No, in CA/IL/US: I/II/III/IV/V for Trauma certification level -->
| helipad     = <!-- Yes, No, or [[الگو:کدهای فرودگاهی]] with p=n; leave blank if unknown or not verifiable -->
| beds        = <!-- cite in article as well -->
| speciality  = <!-- if devoted to a speciality (i.e. not a broad spectrum); ONLY displayed if type=Specialist or type=Teaching -->
| founded     = <!-- cite in article as well -->
| closed      = <!-- if defunct, please also add to Category:Defunct hospitals -->
| demolished  = <!-- if demolished at a different time from closure -->
| website     = <!-- use {{نشانی وب|www.example.com}} -->
| other_links = <!-- link(s) to related articles -->
| module      = <!-- or 'embedded' or 'nrhp' -->


None of the fields are obligatory. Fill in as many of the values as possible. Hence if "image =" is not defined then it will default to blank.

Don't worry about getting all the fields -- just do your best, and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask at Template talk:Infobox hospital.

Parameter Free-form Text (F/T), Wikified (W), Processed (P) Comments
name F/T
org/group F/T UK: NHS=Trust/Health board, ELSE multiple-hospital organisation or group
logo P Logo file name only. Used in [[File:logo|logo_size]].
logo_size P Logo size in pixels. Used in [[File:logo|logo_size]].
image P Image file name only. Used in [[File:image|image_size|alt=alt|alt]].
image_size P Image size in pixels. Used in [[File:image|image_size|alt=alt|alt]].
alt P Alternative text for image. Used in [[File:image|image_size|alt=alt|alt]].
caption F/T Text displayed below image.
map_type P See Map and coordinates section.
latitude P See Map and coordinates section.
longitude P See Map and coordinates section.
location F/T This parameter not wikified, but please move County/City & State details to Region & State parameters.
region F/T This parameter is not wikified.
state F/T, P This parameter is not wikified. For Canada use province name. For UK use England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland. For US use the full state name. See #Links for additional functionality related to this parameter for UK and US.
country F/T, P This parameter is not wikified. See #Links for additional functionality related to this parameter.
healthcare F/T, P Wikifies if UK=NHS. AU/CA=Medicare.
ELSE non-wikified free-form text, e.g. 'Private'
funding F/T, P 'Non-profit', 'For-profit', 'Government', or 'Public' are wiki-linked.
type F/T, P 'General', 'District' or 'District General', 'Specialist' & 'Teaching' are wiki-linked.
affiliation F/T University or Medical School association, may set to 'None' if no affiliation
standards F/T e.g. international ISO where absence of national standards
certification F/T please switch US hospitals to Emergency parameter setting as relevant I, II, III, IV, or V level
emergency F/T, P, W UK/Ireland/Hong Kong/Singapore: if =Yes/No adds 'Accident & Emergency'
US/Canada/Israel: I/II/III/IV/V links to Trauma certification level; else Yes/No
helipad F/T Optional, use Yes, No, or {{Airport codes}}. Only list if verifiable, leave blank if unknown.
beds F/T
speciality F/T Only shown if type=Specialist or type=Teaching
founded F/T
closed F/T
website F/T, P Use {{URL}} if applicable. Processed to prevent display of the following: N/A, n/a, None, or none.
other_links F/T, P NB automatically added is 'List on hospitals in...' link for State or Country if defined above and if List article exists

Any parameter indicated as free-form text is not automatically wikified/wiki-linked, but may be manually wiki-linked within a particular article that uses this template:

 | affiliation = [[Kings College]]

Article subject

The hospital name. When not specified, it defaults to the Iranpedia article's title ({{PAGENAME}}).
Optional; used if the hospital is part of a wider organisation or group. Examples would be the name of a private company owning and running a number of different hospitals, in the UK may be used to specify the NHS Trust (these may operate several hospitals in a locality), other organisations might include Aga Khan Hospital or Aga Khan Health Services.


Optional; an image name for the hospital's logo or crest.
Optional; a width for the logo. When not specified, it defaults to frameless which uses the size in each user's Preferences (ranges from 120px to 300px).
Optional; image name for an illustration of photograph of the hospital.
Optional; a width for the image. When not specified, it defaults to frameless which uses the size in each user's Preferences (ranges from 120px to 300px).
Alt text for the image, see ایران‌پدیا:متن جایگزین برای تصاویر.
Optional; caption text displayed below the image.
 | image       = ACME_hospital.png
 | image_size  = 280px
 | caption     = The 2006 rebuilt hospital


The parameter location was originally used to specify manually wiki-linked (or unlinked) location details because region (city or county), state (or province), and country used automatic wiki-linking. That is no longer the case, so any of those parameters can be used. They will display in the infobox as: location, region, state, country.

Optional location details displayed before region (city or county), state, and country. This is not automatically wiki-linked.
The city or county. This is not automatically wiki-linked.
The state or province. This is not automatically wiki-linked.
  • For Canada this is the relevant Province
  • For the UK this is either England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales.
  • For the US this is the relevant US State.
The country name. This is not wiki-linked. The template also recognizes the following two-letter abbreviations and will display the associated country name as shown: AU = Australia, CA = Canada, HK = Hong Kong, IE = Ireland, IN = India, IL = Israel, KE = Kenya, NZ = New Zealand, NO = Norway, PH = Philippines, PK = Pakistan, SA = South Africa, TZ = Tanzania, UK = United Kingdom, US = United States.
Note: The country parameter is also used in the Links section of the infobox to display a link to [[List of hospitals in Country]] if such a page exists. For hospitals in the UK or US, the state parameter is used to display a link to [[List of hospitals in State]] if such a page exists, or the country list if not (works only when country is one of the following: UK, United Kingdom, US, United States).


(displayed as 'Organization' if country set as Canada or United States, to maintain spelling consistency within articles)

This indicates the insurance status of the hospital. This is generally a free-form text item.
However for certain countries, specific values of healthcare are wiki-linked:
Country HealthCare value wiki-linked to Displayed text
Australia Medicare Medicare (Australia) Public Medicare (AU)
Canada Medicare Medicare (Canada) Public Medicare (Canada) and wiki-link to abbreviated Provincial plans where article exists
United Kingdom NHS سرویس سلامت همگانی (ان‌اچ‌اس) Public (NHS)
All countries (including those above) will accept free-form text for this parameter
Useful markups include Public ([[Ontario Health Insurance Plan|OHIP]])'
The hospital funding source; may be one of the following
The hospital type; may be one of the following:
This free-form text gives the Medical School that may be associated with the hospital. Hidden if undefined and may be set to 'None' if known that there is no affilication for that hospital.
This free-form text gives the hospital network to which the hospital may belong. This is different from an entity that may own the hospital (which belongs in org/group).


This optional parameter provides details of Quality Standards that the hospital may have achieved and is meant to be used for hospitals where there are no automatic national standards and external internal organisations (e.g. ISO) have been invited in to provide certification.
Emergency Department and Trauma provision
The depreciated certification parameter was US-centric and referred to the externally assessed level of trauma care that the hospital is rated to manage. However for hospitals outside of the US, editors confused this for Quality Standards certification, for which the standards parameter is now provided.
is the new more generic parameter. It is generally free-form text, however certain countries have tended to use the alternative name of "Accident & Emergency" for this service, and all but Canada and the US generally specify whether or not an Emergency Department is operational or not. Canada, Israel, and the US have 5 levels of trauma care provision assessible.
Country Emergency value Displayed text
United Kingdom
Hong Kong
Yes Accident & Emergency
No Accident & Emergency
else free-form text
United States
مرکز تروما
مرکز تروما
مرکز تروما
مرکز تروما
مرکز تروما
else free-form text
Optional parameter to denote بالگردنشین for Medevac. Use Yes, No, or enter موقعیت‌یابs using {{Airport codes}}. Only list if verifiable, leave blank if unknown.
The number of inpatient beds.
Where type=Specialist, this parameter is used to specify the particular medical or surgical speciality (leave the parameter undefined if the hospital has a broad spectrum of specialities and one happens to be more famous than the rest). Where type=Teaching, this parameter is optional, since teaching hospitals may encompass the full spectrum of clinical specialities or be a single specialist centre.
Link to a medical speciality, other useful links are pediatric hospital or بیمارستان روانپزشکی.
Note: This will only be displayed in the infobox when type=Specialist or type=Teaching.
Either speciality (UK spelling) or specialty (US spelling) may be used. The infobox label is automatically adjusted based on which parameter is used.


The year or full date that the hospital opened.
Optional; year or date when a hospital closed.
Optional; year or date when demolished, if different from closure.


Please give the full URL address using the {{URL}} template. If the hospital has no web presence, then leave this blank. Also will not display if set to N/A, n/a, None, or none.
| website =                       Does not display the parameter at all
| website = None                  Does not display the parameter at all
| website = {{نشانی وب|example.com}}   Displays as: example.com
Used to specify free-form text links to related material. Much be manually wiki-linked.
The template automatically generates a link to [[List of hospitals in Country]] based on the '''country''' parameter (if such a page exists). For the UK or US, the '''state''' parameter is used to display a link to <nowiki>[[List of hospitals in State]] if such a page exists, or the country list if not (works only when country is one of the following: UK, United Kingdom, US, United States).
(This works even if country parameter is set to the 2-letter ISO code for Australia, Canada, Ireland, India, Kenya, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Tanzania, United Kingdom or United States. Also note that the wording of the Iranpedia 'List' article has additional definite article 'the' added for 'the United Kingdom' and 'the United States' and Ireland's list is for 'the Republic of Ireland').
Any free-form text passed by other_links parameter are shown on a new line if an autolink has already been displayed.

Map and coordinates

It's usually not necessary to use the coordinates= parameter.

  • The latitude and longitude of the building may be specified:
    • in decimal degrees, using latitude= and longitude= OR
    • in degrees/minutes/seconds, using latd=, latm=, lats=, latNS=, longd=, longm=, longs=, and longEW=.
  • To suppress the display coordinates at the top of the page, set coordinates_display=none or coordinates_display=inline. Otherwise coordinates will appear at the top of the page and in the infobox.
  • The ایزو ۳۱۶۶-۱ آلفا-۲ or ایزو ۳۱۶۶-۲ region code is set using the iso_region= parameter.
  • The input format need not match the display format, use coordinates_format=dms to display the coordinates in degrees/minutes/seconds or coordinates_format=dec to display the coordinates in decimal degrees.

One advantage of omitting the coordinates= parameter is that you can display a {{Location map}} without duplicating coordinates.

{{Infobox hospital
| coordinates         = <!-- Template {{Coord}} if map is not used; empty if map is displayed. -->
| coordinates_display = <!-- set to 'inline' or 'none' to suppress display at the top of the page. -->
| iso_region          = <!-- to set the ISO 3166 region code. -->
| map_type            = <!-- location name used for Template:Location map -->
| relief              = <!-- any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available -->
| map_size            = <!-- width of map in pixels (do not include "px"); default is 225 -->
| map_alt             = <!-- alternative text for map image, see IP:ALT for details -->
| map_caption         = <!-- text displayed below map; for no caption enter "map_caption="; if omitted the caption will be "Marker text (location map name)" -->
Parameters to specify coordinates in degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc:
{{Infobox hospital
| latd   = <!-- ''latitude'' degrees -->
| latm   = <!-- ''latitude'' minutes -->
| lats   = <!-- ''latitude'' seconds -->
| latNS  = <!-- latitude: N = north (default), S = south -->
| longd  = <!-- ''longitude'' degrees -->
| longm  = <!-- ''longitude'' minutes -->
| longs  = <!-- ''longitude'' seconds -->
| longEW = <!-- longitude: E = east (default), W = west -->
Parameters to specify coordinates in decimal degrees:
{{Infobox hospital
| latitude  = <!-- ''latitude'' (decimal format; enter negative numbers for southern latitude) -->
| longitude = <!-- ''longitude'' (decimal format; enter negative numbers for western longitude) -->

Note: coordinates in decimal degrees are sensitive to extra whitespace in the parameters:

  • Incorrect: | longitude = - 123.45
  • Correct: | longitude = -123.45

Embedding other templates

For a US hospital listed on the ثبت ملی اماکن تاریخی, {{Infobox NRHP}} may be embedded via this parameter.
{{Infobox hospital
| name = 
| nrhp = 
  {{Infobox NRHP | embed = yes
  | name =  


The Johns Hopkins Hospital
دانشکده پزشکی جانز هاپکینز
A map of Baltimore with a dot showing location of Johns Hopkins Hospital
A map of Baltimore with a dot showing location of Johns Hopkins Hospital
Location of hospital on map of Baltimore
موقعیت1800 Orleans Street، بالتیمور، مریلند، ایالات متحده آمریکا
مختصات۳۹°۱۷′۵۱″شمالی ۷۶°۳۵′۳۳″غربی / ۳۹٫۲۹۷۳۸°شمالی ۷۶٫۵۹۲۳۹°غربی / 39.29738; -76.59239
وابسته به دانشگاهJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine
بخش اورژانسLevel I trauma center
فرودگاه(موقعیت‌یاب اف‌آآ: 0MD3 and 17MD)
تعداد تخت‌ها1,059
فهرست‌هاHospitals in the United States
Johns Hopkins Hospital Complex
Photograph as of September 2012
موقعیت:601 North Broadway, بالتیمور, Maryland
مساحت:۸ acre (۳٫۲ هکتار)
معمار:Cabot & Chandler; Et al.
سبک معماری:Queen Anne
شمارهٔ NRHP:75002094
ثبت شده:February 24, 1975
{{Infobox hospital
| name        = The Johns Hopkins Hospital
| org/group   = [[دانشکده پزشکی جانز هاپکینز]]
| logo        =
| logo_size   = 250
| image       =
| image_size  = 200
| alt         =
| caption     = Johns Hopkins new clinical building
| map_type    = Baltimore
| map_size    = 250
| map_alt     = A map of Baltimore with a dot showing location of Johns Hopkins Hospital
| map_caption = Location of hospital on map of Baltimore
| latitude    = 39.29738
| longitude   = -76.59239
| iso_region  = US-MD
| coordinates_format  = dms
| coordinates_display = inline
| location    = 1800 Orleans Street
| region      = [[بالتیمور]]
| state       = [[مریلند]]
| country     = US
| healthcare  = Nonprofit
| type        = Teaching <!--infobox generates link to [[بیمارستان آموزشی]]-->
| affiliation = [[دانشکده پزشکی جانز هاپکینز|Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine]]
| standards   =
| emergency   = I <!--infobox generates link to [[مرکز تروما]] -->
| helipad     = {{کدهای فرودگاهی|||0MD3 {{Nobold|and}} 17MD|p=n}}
| beds        = 1,059
| speciality  =
| founded     = 1889
| closed      = <!-- optional -->
| website     = {{نشانی وب|hopkinshospital.org}}<br />{{نشانی وب|hopkinsmedicine.org}}
| other_links = [[Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center]]
| nrhp        =
  {{Infobox NRHP | embed = yes
  | name = Johns Hopkins Hospital Complex
  | image = Johns Hopkins Hospital.jpg
  | caption = Photograph as of September 2012
  | location = 601 North Broadway, [[بالتیمور]], Maryland
  | area = {{Convert|8|acre|ha|1}}
  | built = 1889
  | architect = Cabot & Chandler; Et al.
  | architecture = Queen Anne
  | governing_body = Private
  | refnum = 75002094
  | added = February 24, 1975


The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Iranpedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Iranpedia, please see the microformat project.


اگر مکان دارای تاریخ "احداث‌", "پایه‌گذاری‌", "گشایش" یا موارد مشابه است، از {{تاریخ آغاز}} مگر اینکه تاریخ گاه‌شماری دوران مشترک قبل از ۱۵۸۳ باشد.

اگر پیوند دارد، از {{نشانی وب}} استفاده کنید.

Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.


hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

مختصات با فراخوانی {{coord}} و استفاده از کلاس‌های اچ‌تی‌م‌ال زیر تولید می‌شود:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

لطفاً این دسته‌بندی‌ها را جابجا نکنید، تغییر نام ندهید، و زیربخش‌های آن را نهفته نکنید


هنگام ارائه مختصات، لطفاً از سطح مناسبی از دقت استفاده کنید. پارامتر |name= از الگوی {{coord}} را بکار نبرید.


این توضیحاتِ داده‌های الگو این الگو است که توسط ویرایشگر دیداری و دیگر ابزارها استفاده می‌شود.

جعبه اطلاعات بیمارستان

The Template:Infobox_hospital formats a right-side infobox to display many data items about a hospital, with the typical labels listed down the left side, and the corresponding data values on the right side of the box.

پارامترهای الگو

Hospital namename

The hospital name. If not specified, it defaults to the Iranpedia article's title.


The organisation or group that owns or manages the hospital


The country name. This is not wiki-linked. The template also recognizes the following two-letter abbreviations and will display the associated country name as shown: AU = Australia, CA = Canada, HK = Hong Kong, IE = Ireland, IN = India, IL = Israel, KE = Kenya, NZ = New Zealand, NO = Norway, PH = Philippines, PK = Pakistan, SA = South Africa, TZ = Tanzania, UK = United Kingdom, US = United States.

Year/date of foundationfounded

the year or full date that the hospital opened


See also
